We are pleased to offer you a unique collection of Gifts and Services to inspire your faith, enrich ministries, and bless others. We take care to provide you, our shoppers, with quality gifts from trusted brands and services to meet your unique needs.

Barbara G. Edwards, BES


Blessings Extraordinaire LLC

We welcome the opportunity to provide a direct-connect with people who love God; you, your family, friends, co-workers, ministry leaders, and all others.


571 338 4167


Showcase With A Purpose `experience


It’s an Experience in "Honoring God and Blessing Others in Love". Blessings Extraordinaire SWAP`e allows you to showcase gifts and services that can be used to inspire you and bless someone else.

Host a SWAP`e Virtually or In-Person

Booking is EASY!

Email blessingsextraordinaire@gmail.com

Fill out our Booking Inquiry Form

Hosting Dates are filling up fast, so plan ahead!



We appreciate your interest in our ministry, and pray our efforts will bless you and others as well.

Blessings Extraordinaire LLC Product Video is our way of connecting with customers, showcasing a variety of gifts for Everyone!  

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 1:4

Our Prayer

Merciful God, we continue to intercede in prayer for Your people. Our coming to You is not in vain, You are a prayer hearing God, Your Word says, Ask anything in Jesus' Name it will be given to us, according to what you deem best, according to Your Will. Lord we Love You, we Praise You, we need You to survive. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, the Christ, Amen!